“connected.” XX did not elaborate further, and reported that his religion and spirituality are “very personal” to him.
Strengths and Resources
In terms of XX’s strengths and resources, he was a good student (all A’s) prior to the accident, and he had a lot of friends. Although he has not been utilizing these social resources, he feels that there are a lot of people who would like to help him; however, he reported he has difficulty accepting their sympathies. XX is reportedly well-liked by his teachers within the school system, and they have also offered their support. XX lives with his mother and father, who have been financially supportive during the process, offering to pay for therapy. XX indicated that although his parents have been helpful in this manner, he feels that they tend to be afraid to talk about what happened. He stated that he prefers this type of relationship with them; he has chosen to handle these issues without them, as he does not want them to view him as being “weak.”
Family Factors and Community Resources
XX reported that his family income is well-above the poverty line, and described himself as
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Specifically, by withdrawing from friends and family, he may be acting as though he is protecting himself from further losses. By being hypervigilant to his surroundings, he may be approaching the world cautiously in an attempt to detect something that could harm himself or someone else. In terms of XX’s current depressive symptoms, these may be related to survival, in that these behaviors may be viewed as “energy saving” mechanisms. For instance, sleeping a lot may be his body telling him that he needs time to recover. In terms of XX’s drinking behaviors, he may be engaging in them to numb himself from the memory. Furthermore, he may be engaging in drinking in order to help himself fall
Tracy’s employer Fairmont Christian Housing Alliance, along with many other service providers are publicly supporting the newly proposed anti-panhandling legislation. Tracy is morally and ethically struggling with having to support this proposal that her employer is in favor of. She is struggling with her own personal views on this topic and the viewpoints that she has to enforce through her position at Fairmont Christian Housing Alliance. I think that If she believes so strongly that this is proposal is a horrible this for the homeless population then Tracy should go to the rally. Attending this rally would definitely help her conscience and show herself that she really does stand with and support Gerald, and the countless others in the homeless
e. Had any school official seen any signs of a threatening act about to happen?
Therapist then spoke with the youth who was difficult to understand, because she was crying and sounded out of breath. She explained what happened and reported that her father had been drinking and
Superintendent Noble contacted the schools district attorney, Donn Mixon, who advised him to have the decoration removed.
Sports and games provided a much needed escape from the drear of everyday life. Recreation was surprisingly unique in the Southern Colonies compared to the New England and Middle Colonies because of a lack of restrictive religious groups. Though games were not as popular in early settlements, because of lack of free time and distances between settlers, they became more and more popular with increased wealth, larger populations, and a growth in towns. Games were played to offer a relief from some of the grimness of daily life, to offer mating rituals, to express resentment in a safe way, and to help promote village unity. Sports and games played a large role in the daily lives of the southern colonists and continues to be seen today.
Japanese-Americans and Americans felt invisible in many ways because of the way they were treated and relocation or POW camps. Once the Japanese-American families were at a relocation camp they had to go through an interview with the Government workers. “As a result of the interview,” she wrote, “my family name was reduced to No. 13660. I was given several tags bearing the family number, and was then dismissed” (Okubo, 19) This shows that MIne feels invisible because she got her name taken away and reduced to a five digit number. When POWs got to the camp in Ofuna no one was allowed to talk or look at other prisoners, if they did they would be beaten by a guard. “There were dozens of men in cells near him, but there was no sound. In this warren
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In recent discussions of racism, one issue has been racial and religious profiling. On one hand some argue that these actions are necessary to protect the American people from both foreign and domestic threats. From this perspective, people of color are un-equal to everybody else and people such as Muslims are probably connected to groups such as the Islamic State. On the other hand, racial and religious profiling is considered completely immoral and wrong because it takes away liberties. This leads to a conflict between safety and liberty. My own view is that racial and religious profiling is immoral to an extent; however, I also believe that Americans should be protected. I believe that those targeted by police should match statistics of
The tactical component of the religious affairs specialist in the American army is essential, but it is not the single most important thing that many people consider to be necessary for the military to succeed in its mandate. Furthermore, some individuals have never set foot in a tactical environment. However, the tactical component of the religious affairs specialist allows soldiers who are deployed in the battlefield to have adequate resources needed to fight, and also in times of adversity when they face mental challenges or spiritual upsets. This paper highlights the challenges found within this component and the pros and cons associated with it. Moreover, the writer’s perspective on the name change from Chaplain Assistant to Religious Affairs
Roughly 76.7% of Americans report themselves as having a religious belief (Wormald, 2015). Believe that religion should be in the professional lives of social workers and within the treatment of their clients. Even though religion can sway personal values, create a bias against people of a different religion or of a person that doesn’t have a religious belief and who challenges ethical standards. It can help with treatment by allowing who and groups on where to point their client too. Some believe that wanting to help others is taught through religion and we see throughout history how different religions handled the poor and what their values were to help them.
For this paper I decided to sit down with my childhood friend from my St. Thomas More Catholic School days. Katarina and I have known each other since we were 5 years old. I remember attending church with her family on Sunday morning, spending the night at her house, occasionally attending her family's BBQ's on Easter Sunday, and inviting her to all my birthday parties at Chuck E Cheese. Though we lost touch after high school we found each other again thanks to social media. We are both from Hispanic Catholic families so it was always assumed that we would grow up to be Catholic too. To my surprise I found that on Katie's social media page under religious views it did not say Catholic as I expected but rather Wicca. Turns out Katie decided that the Catholic faith wasn't for her and opted instead to convert to Wicca.
Community and disability services workers need to be alert to the possible differences in religious ritual and the impact of a person’s religious practice on their beliefs and value system. Dominant religion may regard other religions as cults rather than official religions however people of any religion have a right to respect.
In some case, religion does influence an individual’s occupation choice because it depends on his or her way of thinking as well as principles. Occupational choices also play a major role in religion. This is the reason why many would never become police officers, military, or correctional officers because of the physical force and violence that occurs on the job. Social network does affect an individual choice because religions have their own personal networks and support for people. The personal support offers opportunity for group collaboration amongst people who see eye to eye, develop relationships as well as social bonds (Lim & Putnam, 2010). Views on marriage are definitely influenced by religion because many people have a tendency to
I believe that it is achievable to have christianity in the workplace. Of course their will always be people who are not Chrisitan, but a company can still have Christ in the workplace and that it is essential to building a strong community and economy. A company who integrates this faith can still make a profit, but still holds true to their values. Don Flow first looks at an individual first before productiveness. In the article he discusses how he earns an employees respects and that it is not earned right away. The employee must show how hard they work in order to earn this respect. In today's world people expect respect right away and that they do not have to earn it. It is amazing how Don Flow used a mother and her child to discuss this
Brisbane is a great Australian city and it is an ultimate destination for opening a new business.Gaming store business in Brisbane is achieving success on account of its high entertainment value. Most people are coming in the gaming stores to play their favorite video game to buy the favorite and latest game. People of Brisbane are found to be passionate towards video games. The recent research for audience of video games shows Brisbane has large audience who love to play video games. A gaming store in Brisbane can enable to spend each day with fun and joy. Opening a gaming store is moderately challenging and it can be accomplished by planning a proper business strategy. An avalanche of video games has become