
Social Work Case Study: Religion And Community Resources

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“connected.” XX did not elaborate further, and reported that his religion and spirituality are “very personal” to him.
Strengths and Resources
In terms of XX’s strengths and resources, he was a good student (all A’s) prior to the accident, and he had a lot of friends. Although he has not been utilizing these social resources, he feels that there are a lot of people who would like to help him; however, he reported he has difficulty accepting their sympathies. XX is reportedly well-liked by his teachers within the school system, and they have also offered their support. XX lives with his mother and father, who have been financially supportive during the process, offering to pay for therapy. XX indicated that although his parents have been helpful in this manner, he feels that they tend to be afraid to talk about what happened. He stated that he prefers this type of relationship with them; he has chosen to handle these issues without them, as he does not want them to view him as being “weak.”
Family Factors and Community Resources
XX reported that his family income is well-above the poverty line, and described himself as …show more content…

Specifically, by withdrawing from friends and family, he may be acting as though he is protecting himself from further losses. By being hypervigilant to his surroundings, he may be approaching the world cautiously in an attempt to detect something that could harm himself or someone else. In terms of XX’s current depressive symptoms, these may be related to survival, in that these behaviors may be viewed as “energy saving” mechanisms. For instance, sleeping a lot may be his body telling him that he needs time to recover. In terms of XX’s drinking behaviors, he may be engaging in them to numb himself from the memory. Furthermore, he may be engaging in drinking in order to help himself fall

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