
Social Work Application Essay Examples

Decent Essays

Empathy, patience and a non-judgemental attitude are qualities I possess that make me a leading candidate for social work. As a bright individual with a burning drive to prosper in the things I feel strongly for, I assure you I will work efficiently in the hopes of spending my life doing something I am passionate about. I’m a responsible, enthusiastic and motivated student. I believe I have an approachable and calming demeanour, which will prove favourable in this field. Having a painful and difficult upbringing has leaded me to understand the oppression and lack of human dignity some hold. My skills were put into practice throughout my adolescent life, and has impacted me greatly as I now find assisting those who are vulnerable is second nature to me, and is something I am deeply committed to.
Spending time in Africa during the summer of 2014 was an extremely substantial experience, allowing me to begin my time as a young adult with a staggering amount of humility and gratefulness. Experiencing the life of those in third world countries opened my eyes to how desperate some are for help, and how they have to suffer in silence. The ride from the airport to the hotel clarified just how severe their conditions are, so I felt it obligatory to give something back to …show more content…

These horrific incidences of innocent lives coming to an end when they were completely preventable creates a rage in me, which I’m sure will push me to fulfil my role at the highest standard. Helping others has always been something that I am deeply committed to. Impacting people’s lives in a positive manner is something I strive to accomplish, as a caring and compassionate person; I feel social work would allow me to fulfil my readiness to assist those in less fortunate situations than

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