
Social Terrorism In Public Schools

Decent Essays

Many school polices are not up to date or do not represent everyone like should be done. The people or groups that are affected because of this are women, differently disabled, and LGBT. This is a problem that is growing. Students are aware that they can get away with things such as social terrorism, which is why they continue to do it. Many times the people on the receiving end of social terrorism are people who are different. Because they are different kids or teens feel the need to pick on them. The problem with this is that just because the students may appear different does not mean that they are. Clubs and organizations can be created for a type of support group for these students. Along with the organizations more things should be …show more content…

If teachers would step in when they knew something was a problem or stand up for a student, then the bullying could be eliminated. Along with the help from the faculty and staff students can also intervene to make things better for everyone. No child should fear coming to school because of the way they look or something that is different about them. Just as is was stated in one of our lectures, students should feel as though school is a safe place that they can be. Safe schools are “in which every individual can pursue their education on their willingness to work, free of fear persecution, and stigma” (Green 2016, notes). If a serious no tolerance policy is put into place, then things like this will be eliminated. The clubs and organizations that can be created will help the individuals feel as though they have someone to turn to when something is going on. Not only that but someone else is on their side, that can mean so much in any situation. If there is someone that will help stand up for them then the bullying will eventually stop or people will become aware of it, which should lead to some type of punishment. Teachers should also not be afraid to go to administration if there is a problem. It should not be held against them. But the “power is in numbers”, so if they can get more people on their side then more is likely to be done (Green 2016, notes). If the teacher is worried that they do not know the whole story, then “don’t overreact and find out the whole story” then “apply consequences in accordance to the school behavior codes”

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