
Social Security Retirement Case Study

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Subclaim: The current state pension system is dangerously flawed and easy to manipulate; therefore, the system needs revamping in order to avoid being completely drained.

#1: Suspend pension until individuals fully retire. Pensions are to assist in retirement. If an individual has returned to work then they are no longer retired, and the pension payments should not be made until the individual is fully retired. Receiving both a pension payment and also a salary is akin to receiving unemployment benefits while working and receiving a paycheck.

#2: Take an actuarial reduction in their pension if they retired before the age of Social Security retirement. We could begin by raising the age of public pension plans to align with Social Security, which would potentially decrease double dipping. …show more content…

#3: Impose an income surtax to discourage double dippers and restore funds to the pension system. … taxpayer expense. This would be an example of a tax that produces in insignificant statewide revenue, but serves as an equalizer for public policy

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