
Social Relation And Dynamics Of Production And Reproduction

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There is no doubt that the increase in population has put pressure on land due to the increase in the world economy (money supply, utilization of goods and services as well as production), which has brought about the increase in demand and supply. This situation should not be a yardstick for investors to exploit on peoples (small scale farmers) and denying them their human right (Timothy E 2010). The social relation and dynamics of production and reproduction, property and power in agrarian formation is termed as political economy” (Bernstein, 2010). Land which is a natural resource and property for its owners has become a debatable issue recently. The introduction of industries in to agrarian settings has made investors to …show more content…

Government polices sometimes turn to promote these land grabs, the challenge is thrown to social movements to ensure environmental sustainability and better policies. Especially, now that contemporary issues related to land grabs are based on natural resource management, and environment violence in developing countries has augmented (Barlowe et al. 2013).
The link between people and their material environment, thus political ecology make people aggressive when they are being displaced of their land. This has led to recent increase in land disputes. There is the mentality that, if someone does not own a land, he/ she does value or take proper care of it and is tempted to manage it badly or even use inappropriate technology on it. Also the shifting dialect between society and land based resource give a reason to detect and understand and respond to to environmental problems. There is the need to harmonise contemporary cultural, political and economic systems in other to ensure ecological sustainability. Land space allocated to small scale farmers should be well demarcated so that the political boundaries would be clear. This would foster understanding of contemporary agrarian issues. (Paulson, Susan, and Lisa L. Gezon, 2005)
The objective of this essay is to discuss the how investments on agrarian settings affect the local people’s livelihood. Considering the agrarian question three ,thus the transformation

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