
Social Media Speech

Good Essays

Social Media – Speech We live in a generation where losing your phone is worse than losing your virginity. We live in a generation where it has become common to send inappropriate pictures to people who we have just met. We live in a generation where we are so dependent on technology that it is as addictive as a drug. Fellow students, let me ask you all this question, would you want to see our future generation, our future leaders, and our future role models acting like this? What is this world coming to?! In order to prevent this, I firmly believe that the correct and safe use of social media must be taught in schools. Social networking websites can be utilised as a beneficial tool to keep in touch with friends and to communicate …show more content…

According to neuroscientist, Mark Goulston, there are certain “feel-good” brain hormones such as oxytocin and dopamine that are located in the pleasure and reward centres of your brain and are released when individuals actively use social media sites. Although social media is a psychological addiction unlike substance addiction, brain scans reveal that there are frighteningly similar impairments of regions of the brain, especially in the degradation of white matter that those with drug dependence usually characterise. These regions control emotional processing, decision making and attention. Social media is extremely addictive as it provides immediate and satisfying rewards (through the release of hormones) with very little effort. Your brain automatically begins to crave it more and more as you desire these chemical stimulations. Sounds like a drug right? Some studies even show that around 5%-10% of users find it difficult to control the amount of time they spent online and literally cannot log off. So although social media stimulates our brain and sends chemicals that make us feel great - it’s harmful to our real life relationships and distances us from the connections we have around us, often times becoming a distraction to young people which can deter them from their schoolwork and affect their ability to interact with people face to face. Instead of continuing our ways, we can change. As a nation and together

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