
Social Media Predators

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In 2017, an average of 2.46 billion people worldwide had some sort of social media which caused active participation by the account holders. Estimations predict that by the year 2019, 2.77 billion people will have an active social media account (“Number of Worldwide Social Network Users 2010-2021 | Statistic,” Page one). By using social media in daily life, many teens experience dangerous situations. Media attracts many teens to get into the trends and know what goes on in other people’s lives, but it also can attract unwanted visitors. Certain “visitors” are called predators. Predators typically try to disguise their age and identity, and also try to lure in teenagers to friend them online. When this happens, usually they ask for a picture of the person or personal information. These predators are more than likely pedaphiles. Eventually, these pedaphiles attempt to meet young victims in person which could lead to kidnapping, and, in most cases, sexual abuse or human trafficking ( John C. Majors, pages 157 through 159). Previously this almost happened to a 14 year old boy when he played a game with a stranger on a social media site. The man playing with him said he was a teen, and one day asked where he lived so he could “drop something off for him.” ( Jonathan McKee, page 33). Though social media can entertain and waste time, in some …show more content…

Inspection has shown that 11% of adults spend time posting about how much fun they have on the weekends instead of getting real life experiences and being able to talk face to face with friends. If people actually do go visit a friend, social media could disturb the visit when friends could build social skills. A survey taken with a few students in school, explained why they would rather talk on social media than face to face (“The Effects of Social Media on Communication Skills : Cause and Effect Essay Samples,” page

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