
Social Media Mining : Social Network

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Social Media Mining, Social Network Analysis and Social Media Mining Hurdles
Naga Bijesh Roy Raya
According to Wikipedia Social Media Mining is the process of representing, analyzing and extracting actionable patterns from social media data. The extensive use of Social media like Facebook, twitter, Google plus, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter have been generating massive amounts of social media and big user-generated data. The world’s social networks contains enormous customer details that helps in understanding human behavior and conduct research on social science. In order to successfully mine the social data, Social Network Analysis is the most important task. A number of visualization tools are available to analyze these social networks. Even, many corporations has their goal set to tap into social media data in order to develop their business. Through social media, it is easy to find a lot of information about a celebrity and her whereabouts but finding the real-time information like energy consumption is very difficult. Also, social media mining faces a dilemma to find out the useful information as it lacks data or have little or thin data about those we are interested in knowing more about. In this paper, we are going to discuss more on how social media is mined, how analysis is performed on social networks and ways to overcome hurdles with Social Media Mining.
The boundaries between real world and virtual world is shattered by social

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