
Social Media And Its Effect On Society

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In today’s day in age almost everyone has some form of social media. Many people have more than one. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter or some other form. We all use it to express and communicate our thoughts and feelings about ourselves and the world. Because of this many people do not know how to communicate face to face anymore and many times even hide behind their keyboard. Keller (2013), Quotes Paul Booth an assistant professor of media and cinema studies saying “There has been a shift in the way we communicate; rather than face-to-face interaction, we’re tending to prefer mediated communication,” he says. “We’d rather e-mail than meet; we’d rather text than talk on the phone”. Other people such as Qualman (2011), believes that using social media to communicate does not have to be such a bad thing. He says that if used properly it can be a very effect tool in the business world. Because social media touches pretty much everyone in some way it is a good strategy for overall success or an organization. There are both positive and negative communication effects on social media. The goal of this paper is to communicate the negative effect of how social media is effecting communication.
Going off of what Qualman said about business in social media. Hannaa, Rohma, and Crittenden (2011), suggest that while companies recognize that they need to utilize social media they do not full understand how to do it effectively. Without being able to use it effectively it defeats the

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