
Social Justice Or Injustice : Domestic Violence

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Social Justice or Injustice Domestic violence (DV) has and continues to affect millions of, women, men, children and the elderly every day. National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, defines Domestic violence as, “hurtful, repeated and intentional behavior that one person uses to maintain power and control over another in an intimate relationship.” (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, n.d.) Abuse impacts many individuals from various backgrounds. Abuse comes in many forms, verbal, emotional, physical, sexual and, covers a wide range of tactics to establish and maintain power and control. A predominant form of DV is Intimate Partner Violence is also known as (IPV,) which affects millions of people every year, primarily women …show more content…

What I have learned in this process is that each victims process of understanding and dealing with domestic violence is different. There is no formula to can accurately tell you how to react, feel, describe, process what happens to you in that moment and what to do after. After talking to a few women and a man, what I was able to gather from my understanding is that there is the moment that takes place where the act of abuse happens, silence and then an apology. Granted I do not know or believe that this is a case for every victim, but based on the conversations I had with three victims these are commonalities is found. While I listened to their stories of events that took place, I found myself shaking my head, saying “oh my god” at one point I even asked a person if you were okay; She laughed and said “yea that was a long time ago.” For the victims, these events may have happened a while back but in that moment the actions the emotions were fresh to me. Having these conversations triggered my feeling sadness, hurt, sacred and disgusted, but at the end I also felt happy and relieved. I went into this experience hoping that I would not be judgmental and remain understandable. I would consider myself to be a person who may “know what I would do in a situation if it happened to me” without having it happening to me or having a direct tie to it. Being aware that may me a possible bias and hoping that

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