
Social Disorganization Theory: Why Do People Kill Others?

Decent Essays

Crime is an everyday occurrence that happens worldwide. Different variations of crime occur whether it’s something small from stealing candy to having a drink when you’re underage to something big like stealing a car or even killing someone. What is theory? Why do people kill others?

The first theory that I would like to introduce in my research is Social Disorganization Theory, a theory developed by the Chicago school which argued that one aspect of American Society, contained potent criminogenic forces. This theory relates to where a person grows up. Social disorganization theory believes that place matters, meaning if you grew up in wealthy residential location with good school systems you are less likely to commit a homicide. Growing …show more content…

Neighborhoods should plan meetings to meet about the safety of it and to keep up to date. If these meetings do not take place, disorganized neighborhoods lead to crime and even homicides like murder. When communities fail to recognize consistent normative standards and possess ineffective social control mechanisms, they are considered disorganized and unable to address and resolve chromic neighborhood problems including crime introduced by Kornhauser 1978 and Sampson 1993(Davis & Holland-Davis, 2015). As Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay had also introduced their meaning of social disorganization through the application of Sutherlands theory of Criminal behavior believed that social disorganization theory focuses mostly on neighborhood conditions and how they inhibit criminal activity. Also discovering the neighborhoods marked by poverty, residential mobility and racial heterogeneity tended to experience higher crime rates including homicide (Davis & Holland-Davis). As crime goes on in neighborhoods, people view this as a normal part of their everyday life. Some kids see this as normal or as a way to be accepted in their surrounding …show more content…

We never hear murders coming from quiet smaller towns. It is important to recognize that high levels of disorganization promotes social ties to foster deviant behavior that can lead to homicide. Wilson (1996), argues many poor neighborhoods where residents are tightly connected through social ties do not generate the collective resources necessary to control deviant activity (Armour, 2004). As you can see staying up to date with your community is a key factor to help prevent crime from happening such as homicide like murder. The community that I currently live in is awesome! I know most of my neighbors from my years living there as we all keep up to date. About two years ago we had one incident happen in my neighborhood where many cars were getting broken into. Right away the community contacted one another to let them know. We eventually caught the two people who were committing this crime. The community itself acts as an enforcer of informal social control because the residents are willing to intervene in support of neighborhood order as result of cohesion and mutual trust within another. A socially organized community, where the residents know each other, is less likely to see crime happen (Armour, 2004). It is scary to think that if one of my neighbors had approached the criminals breaking into these cars that they could

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