
Social Comparison Research Paper

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Social Comparison is how we compare ourselves to others in our social world (Verywell 2017). Social Comparison can be how we correlate on many different things, such as how we compare our looks to others, or even their talents to ours
(Verywell 2017). In, psychology the social theory process can be viewed from many different perspectives. Social comparison can also have a major influence on our self-esteem (Verywell2017). According to psychologist Leon Festinger (Verywell 2017) social comparison has an instinctive drive that individuals will classify themselves, regarding comparing themselves to other humans (Verywell 2017). We all know that people have all kinds of segments about themselves (Verywell 2017). A lot of time social comparison …show more content…

It has also been concluded that social comparison can be an obstacle (Verywell 2017). In some situations, you may find yourself in a complicated situation, considering that you are trying to compare yourselves to other, by being motivated to do what they do, and it does not work right for you. Analyzing the different barriers that I experienced for social comparison guided me better towards a better self-presentation. There are many different measures that can be taken when communicating nonverbally to enhance self-esteem. Effective measures will help benefit ourselves in the future on self-presentation, and impression managements. There are many different obstacles that I have analyzed when encountered by social comparison that affected my self-esteem, and impression management (Verywell 2017). However, one of the things that I have experienced regarding the social comparison theory is not doing the right thing, and getting myself in trouble. However, my personal experience in this case was talking, and playing in class, considering that I felt was cool. I thought this situation was okay, because I wanted to be like the person that was doing it, by the reason of her being popular. Another barrier that I have experienced with

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