
Social Class Research Paper

Decent Essays

Reflection Paper #1 I went into this particular course, Social Class and Mobility, thinking I understood what it was going to be about. Right away I realized I was wrong. This second module taught me a great deal so far, such as the actual definition of social mobility, and social stratification and also what ascription meant and how I interpreted it. I also learned about poverty and how much society is obsessed with social class and its inequalities. I also read a statement from a professor on class and “chances in life” that really made me ponder my own beliefs on the topics. The first chapter of Social Stratification and Inequality informed me that Social Mobility was the movement of individuals, families or groups within the class system, …show more content…

I understand the need to succeed, I am trying to climb that ladder myself. It is unfortunate that society places a label on the level of that success. Lower class means you do not own property and have no authority, then there is the working class, those who engage in manual labor but have little to no property and again have no authority. Then middle, corporate and upper classes….it is all based on the haves and have not’s. I also noticed the word authority was used a lot in these class divisions, I can see where the correlation is, for example the lower you are in a company the more people above you give orders you have to follow. It was easy for me to comprehend the class division and how easily it is to slip into one of the lower classes due to job loss, health issues, etc. and how hard it is to get into one of the upper classes, that is of course unless you were ascripted (is this a word?) into …show more content…

The first was from Michael Hout, a professor at the University of California. Professor Hout stated that he found the discussions about class “naïve and ironic”, that we are at a time where inequality is “booming”, however he hears people state that “the era of class is over” (PAGE14 ISA+++++). I feel he really knows his stuff, I liked his frankness about the topic of class. From what I see, hear and learn on a daily basis, the class system is very much a part of today’s society and to pretend that it is not seems almost ignorant. I also found the statement from Paul Bellew on page 16 of our Inequality textbook interesting. Paul stated that “the level of material comfort in this country is numbing”, I completely agree. Our society puts so much emphasis on material things such as vehicles, clothing, and accessories and even by the type of pets we own. Today we can use credit to buy all this stuff to make ourselves look prosperous, but when we come home at night are we satisfied? To afford all this stuff to make us look equal to the upper class we are working ourselves to the bone, like our text stated, “the new class marker in upper income families is having at least one parent who works extremely long hours” (Inequality PG 18)…..So in trying to achieve the American ideal and the material possessions that go along with it, we have to make more money, work harder, be home less and less

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