
Social Class In The Elizabethan Era

Decent Essays

Social Class
The social class for the Elizabethan Era was unique because of the different ways it was set up than from today. This social class has a very different type of hierarchy than any other social class that was ever made. Even though this social class was unique, it still needed the opportunity for improving the flaws. Certain levels of hierarchy needed a possibility for demotion for their class to move up in the rankings so they can get treated and respected better. The lower levels of the social classes didn’t have the best ways of living and suffered cruelty. The social class in the Elizabethan Era had a different type of hierarchy than we do today, the social class had the opportunity for improvement, and the possibility of demotion of the social class; therefore the social class could have had a revolution or change in the system. …show more content…

The monarch was the the first level of the hierarchy, which is the royalty or rulers. As states, “The Monarchs is usually the King or Queen of the empire.” The second level of the hierarchy was called the Nobility, these people were the rich, powerful, and owned large households. The third level was considered the Gentry, the people of the Gentry were wealthy and owned small to large properties as well. The fourth level was referred as Merchants, the Merchants were the people which produced goods for other people to consume including themselves. The fifth level was the Yeomen, they were people that worked under the Merchants making and producing goods for people. As Encyclopedia Britannica states, “The sixth level was called Servants or Peasants, these people were poor, had little respect from the higher levels, and had little to no responsibilities or

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