Social class has always been around, whether it is the present time or the past. It is a way to group people into a set of hierarchical social categories. For this reason, social class is something that will never go away. No matter how hard we try as a society, there will always be people pushing hard to keep these groups alive. The rich, high class, will never be ok with sharing a table with the poor, low class. Social class affects not only our outward appearances, but it plays a factor in what schools we can attend, our health, what jobs we can get, who we can marry, and the treatment we receive from police and courts.
A good example of the way social class is viewed is in the story “Lakota Woman”, by Mary Crow Dog. Social class was still relevant for the Native Americans, even in the 70’s. While it is already tough for Native Americans, Mary’s situation is slightly tougher. “It is being an iyeska, a half-blood, being looked down upon by whites and full-bloods alike.” (5) Both parties were viewing each other as being lower class, which made it harder for Mary to find her ranking. “I have white blood in me. Often I have wished to be able to purge it out of me.” (9)
When it comes to social class, people will always find a way to argue about how they should be handled. With “Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts” by Bruce Catton, you have two people from different backgrounds. “…Lee stood for the feeling that it was somehow of advantage to human society to have a
The concept of social class has been around for ages and is still a part of today’s society. Social class is not only based on the individual’s wealth but also on their social standing such as; monarchs, priests, nobles, merchants, and peasant class. The peasant class was practically ignored, which means that the higher classes would only pay attention to each other. This can be the case in society today, there are some people who feel that their career makes them higher than a janitor. Even though humans have been around for centuries, social class is still a big issue.
To begin with, social class has always been of great importance in society, more money means more power and more respect.
With regards to my own experiences with social class, I recall times from my own childhood. I grew up in a college town full of highly educated people. Most of the children I grew up with came from very affluent families who lived in very lavish, costly homes. My parents did not have the educational background or financial means to provide the lavish life that most of my friends were living. As younger children, my mother always did a good job of providing for our needs. Other than the outward differences of the home I lived in (which was nice, but modest), or the cars we drove, I was unaware of the differences, those became more apparent as I grew older. Most of my friends took family vacations at least twice every year that involved flying
Social class is a topic of discussion that is generally avoided, especially in America. In a country where all of one's dreams can allegedly come true; the notion of class highlights the jarring inequalities and social divisions between one American and another. In recent years, recognizing one's privilege is beginning to become a cultural value. However, it has always been something that people were aware of, as seen in the eye-opening documentary, People Like Us: Social Class is America (2001). The documentary strives to accurately portray how the contrasted people of America live, interact, and see themselves and others. Of the ideas the doc showcases the most important are, the higher classes influence over the poor, and the poor's poor self-image, as these ideas strike the core of why one should be conscientious of their class.
Social classes play a part in all of our lives, it is something we encounter everyday whether we realize it or not. In the play A Raisin in the Sun social class is something that every African American in this time period has had to suffer through. Social classes were prominent during this time period, whites and colored people were in different social classes, even rich colored folks were in different social classes than the poor and average income colored folks. (MORE)Lorraine Hansberry’s play shines light on the differences between the social classes that categorize whites and African Americans by their jobs, money, and and where they resided. A Raisin in the Sun shows how African Americans were low on the social class totem pole during this time period, while also showing how African American families were
Social class is defined as 'people having the same social or economic status' (Wordnet). In contemporary American society, social class is based on the amount of money and property you have and also prestige. Prestige is given to a person through the line of work or the family that they come from. For example, upper-upper class member Jennifer Lopez reeks of prestige not only because she has millions of dollars in her bank account, but she has very expensive luxuries, cars, and houses.
Social class causes many rifts in relations. People let it determine who is worthy of something and who is not. In To Kill a Mocking Bird, written by Harper Lee, Scout and Jem see firsthand these rifts made. Some rifts cause injustice, some broken friendships, and others fights. Social class, a form of discrimination just as racism. Racism even has a part to play in social class, an African American was viewed lower than another which led to his unjust imprisoned. This eventually led to his death for a crime he never committed.
Social classes have changed, but how and why? For instance, while reading, the Prioress is constantly being shown with an attitude of a higher class member, “That in her cup no single speck was seen of grease, because she drank so neat.” (Chaucer 1861) In this it is evident that people
Social class refers to the system of stratification of the different groups of people in a society. These different forms of classification are, in most instances, based on gender ethnicity and age. Social class makes everyone’s lives extremely different. For example: How long one can expect to live. In a wide range of ways, from success, to one’s health class, social class influences people’s lives (Grusky,2003).
The book “Lakota Woman,” is an autobiography that depicts Mary Crow Dog and Indians’ Lives. Because I only had a limited knowledge on Indians, the book was full of surprising incidents. Moreover, she starts out her story by describing how her Indian friends died in miserable and unjustifiable ways. After reading first few pages, I was able to tell that Indians were mistreated in the same manners as African-Americans by whites. The only facts that make it look worse are, Indians got their land stolen and prejudice and inequality for them still exists.
The concept of social class is and has always been a major part of society since the first days of society. Has this concept evolved over time and became less important or has it stayed the same as it was in the 18th Century? Most people if asked today would say that social class is much less important than it was back then. The question though is if that statement is true. In a world where the barriers between the lower, middle, and upper classes are so thick, can social classes really be ignored? In Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, social class plays a huge role in their society. It determines who marries who, who talks to who, and who can be seen out in public with others. Members of different classes do not get to “hang out” with each other usually. The rich see themselves to be better than the middle class while the middle class thinks the same way about the lower class. Can all of this be relatable to our modern society? Research says that as much as everyone thinks social class is not important, it is still a major part of our society the only difference is, not all parts have been passed down over time.
Social class describes the different "layers" that exist in society. These "layers," or classes in society, are a division that civilization has been running on ever since the beginning of mankind. In most modern societies, our system of social class division is one of opportunity. We experience a good deal of social mobility, where people through generations or in their own lifetime can move up or down the social scale. By examining the many different perceptions of social class along with S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders, it is illustrated that social class has an impact on people while they are growing up, and will usually deny them from rising above adversity.
Social class is still pretty important in our current society. People are still looked down on for not being as wealthy as other. Even if it's based on their clothes, location of where they live or the school they attend. Where you live and all of those things depend on the ammount of money you have.
Social class has been always been in our society since its establishment. Back then, white,
Social Class is a division of a society based on social and economic status. In today’s society there are three main social groups in America: upper, middle, and lower class; these rankings are contributed by mass amounts of factors, but one of the main factors that people cannot control is their race and ethnicity. Race and ethnicity, likewise as gender, can also play a part in a variety of other concerns such as, education level, income, and where you reside.