
Social Capital Application Essay

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Social Capital is a crucial part of the society that we live in today, x(Monti, D. J., Borer, M. I., & Macgregor, L. C. 2015,) defines social capital as “the value of social networks and organizations to get things done together that comes from peoples relationships with one another”. We depend on the relationships and the support of others in our community. Social capital is used to bring us all together to work and motivate others to work towards a common goal or cause that they can relate to. An example of this would be th women's marches, many communicated to others through social media and other forms of communication to rally women together to support the cause. Women not only had support from other women in the marches but from lots of women via social media. Success does not come easy, it is one of those things in life that you have to push for and work as hard as you can in order to achieve it. To me, to be successful is to have pride in how far you have …show more content…

Reflecting on the past year/semester I have noticed that my contribution to social capital has been lacking. Social connections are essential for helping a college student move on to graduate school. For me, social capital means joining organizations on campus like Psy Chi, a sororities, research labs on campus in order to develop those connections to students and professors alike. My involvement in campus life is nonexistent, and I now realize that it could be detrimental to my future career if I do not start developing those connections in the next few years. I personally hope to expand my social capital on campus and in the community as well. As a member of my community I honestly have not been involved in community engagements/ events unless it was required for school. This class has shown me that there is a lot for me to work on and the importance of connections in everyday

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