
Social And Cultural Change In Occupy Wall Street

Decent Essays

Social and cultural change is happening all around is. It’s affecting and involving people with different ethnicities, nationalities, genders, etc. Norms of today may not have been norms in the past and vice versa. Most changes have pushed towards a better society. These changes led to an advancement or improvement of the government, economy, human behavior, etc. Some argue that the present is predestined or that it happens magically. In other words, people believe that gay marriage is now normal but sometimes forget to recount the crimes against the LBGT community, which led people to push for reformation. The past events are what shapes our opinions and beliefs about others and ongoing problems of the world today. If humans couldn’t look back to the past, humanity wouldn’t be able to address hidden problems and create effective change pertaining to that problem. Our present would be catastrophic, with the presence of extreme racism, hate crimes, continuous wars, and soforth.
Climate change slowly began in the 1800s when fossil fuels started to gain popularity. Fossil fuels made former …show more content…

Moreover, we wouldn’t have a reference to see what solutions worked and what didn’t. Occupy Wall Street didn’t leave a significant impact but it has influenced others to take action in a more effective way. There’s also been the birth of many movements that represent many different people. There’s groups that represent indigenous people, the elderly, disabled, and more. There’s even social movements that aim to create a cleaner future by ending fossil fuels. Although we started late, we’ve been taking action by building and creating renewable sources. These continuous changes have led to a present where everyone has basic rights, at least in America. People are not as biased to others as people were in the past. The present isn’t too bad compared to the previous years and

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