
Snow White Gender Stereotypes

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“Magic mirrored on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?” (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs). This statement has become one of the most famous classic villain's lines of the Disney movie industry. Being the first Disney animated film and introduction to the first princess, Disney portrays what women like during the 1930s. The film portrayed feminism as traditional gender role idealized. Anti-feminism showed in Disney's Snow White by the unrealistic female characteristics and their stereotypical gender roles. Ideal and unrealistic female body and beauty portray a negative example towards the female audience. Beauty takes precedence over personal ambitions and all the life's problems solved by finding the right man or “prince”. In many Disney …show more content…

This amplifies how important the ideal body image that conveyed to younger girls. Snow White's appearance reflects the notion that all women expected beautiful to attract a husband. Snow White's appearance reflects on many young girls, as they describe fairy-tale princesses as beautiful, and want to imitate them an ideal presentation of beauty. She portrays a huge example of anti-feminist towards younger children that it may negatively affect the future action of young girls. She shows how beauty relates to appearance, appearance relates to body image and how body image leads to insecurities in a young female. Observation of traditional gender roles in Snow White portrayed as anti-feminist. Snow White portrays women as the ideal “American wife”. Women pressured into doing domestic work, while the men do labor work that gains financial income for the household. At the time of the original film created the expectation for the female’s remains of their homes, they clean, and raise children. They still stood a few steps higher than the second class citizen status, since the men exceeded the highest female

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