
Small Town Research Paper

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I want to a trip to a small town in Central Florida. This town is nestled on interstate 4 grew up calling it I Fo', the town sits between of the great cities of Florida. It is the direct center point between Tampa and Orlando many people call this small town Orampa . But I know this small citrus town is Polk City Florida. Polk city was named after one of the United States former president James Polk. This town was the town that I have spent most of my formative years as a child. Some of my earliest memories are here. Some of my worst childhood memories are here. So in many ways I call this small town home. Just like most small towns there is only one main road that runs through this town. On one side live the neighborhood from which we called uptown. Uptown was …show more content…

Just about every road has a nation either on one side or owned one road. The road I live on was Smith's corner, Smith's corner on the left side was predominantly Dominican Americans and on the right side predominantly Cuban Americans. Most of my mother's family lived on Smiths corner. My mother's grandmother a Cuban refugee move to the Dominican Republic and my mother's grandfather being full blood afro Dominican strongman.My family name Maldonado, Guzman, and Barnez ran Smith's corner. The next street over Smiths place was predominantly Puerto Rican and there were certain sprinkle the Jamaican families that lived on Smiths place but predominantly Puerto Rican. The Dyer Garcia and Lopez. Family ran that street. the other Street color place Smith's Row word jumble cahoots Guyanese Jamaicans and Haitians and West Indians butt the other Street Scala place Smiths row were a jumbo Clute of guy a nice Jamaicans and Haitians and West Indians but the Dominicans Cubans and Puerto Rican pretty much ran Fruitland . We had the most children in the community most of the Guyanese West Indian and Haitian people were much older people who have moved to Polk City to retire from South

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