
Small Business Loans : Small Businesses And Star Ups Essay

Decent Essays

Small Business Loans
When you want to start a business you need capital in order to run and steer the business to profitability. There are many sources of financing start-up and small businesses can tap into to get started. Financing usually varies depending on the source of financing as well as the size and type of business you want to run. However, the process of securing funds to start a business is fraught with many challenges. This problem has been compounded by the fact that many traditional banks have a problem funding small businesses and star-ups. Below are main non-banking financing options for startup businesses:
• Grants – startups that are keen on research can apply for grants from governments and willing investors. However, grant recipients must meet the laid down developmental and research goals. In most cases, the advanced ideas must viable for commercialization.

• Venture capitalists – small businesses that are already in business can tap into this form of financing to expand their businesses into the next phase of growth. Most venture capitalists are focused on specific growth industries; besides funding, venture capitalist also provide crucial business insights and leads to business owners. For example, a business owner can be advised whether the product or service he or she wants to sell will sell or flop. It is important to note that most venture capitalist who lend money to small businesses offer short to mid-term borrowing of between 3 to 5 years.

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