
Slide: Gender Differences In The Classroom

Satisfactory Essays

Sources: sems tv,
Slide 1 Lauren: For our project we made a storyboard to show and persuade you to have more activities for the school and let 6th graders do more things that involve helping the school.
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Lauren: You might be thinking we are too immature to take on that task, but it’s not like you are forcing use to do it. If we chose that we want to do it, we feel like we can. It’s having a growth mindset. So we had the idea to put on a presentation in picture form to help you understand.
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Amelia: Activities are used at the school to show us that the school is a big place for opportunities to learn, and have fun like the plays you could learn new dance moves, and you have fun.
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Amelia: These are 3 examples out of millions of ideas we could have at the school. …show more content…

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Destiny: Our school has to let kids have opportunities to do what they love I do a sport that is not a sport at this school and I love doing it. Not everyone is doing what they love because the school does not have the sport
Lauren: also, what about the 6th graders. They don’t have the same opportunities as 7th and 8th graders. My evidence is that on SEMS TV, they were giving announcements about a school parties for only 7th and 8th graders. The school is always saying treat everyone fair.
Destiny: If they want us to be treated fairly then start treating the 6 grades like everyone else and start trusting us
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Amelia: Now you can see that the school needs more activities for 6th graders.
Destiny: We all need to stand up for what we want if we want to have a golf team we have to stand up we have to go see if have to go talk to the principal and see what we have to do to get

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