
Sleep Paralysis Informative Speech

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Mann 1
Informative Speech: Sleep Paralysis
Navdeep Mann
Communication 3 Nicole Vulich 04 November 2014
TOPIC: Sleep Paralysis
1 I would like to inform my audience about sleep paralysis.
2 Have you ever felt like you were awake but couldn’t really seem to move. You were probably afraid and didn’t know what to do (Gangdev). When you tried calling for help you realized that you were unable to speak. 3 This is a common problem known as sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis can leave you frightened and scared to go back to sleep (Dahlitz and Parkes).
Although sleep paralysis is a very common problem, it can still people extremely frightened for many people (Dahlitz and Parkes).
Today I am going to …show more content…

Sleep Paralysis is said to be caused by demons, evil spirits, and space aliens (Ness.) A. 4 The Old Hag is the most popular phenomenon of sleep paralysis (Ness).
1. The Old Hag is said to be the cause of sleep paralysis in many cultures (Hinton et al.).
2. The Old Hag will sit on the sleeping person’s chest.
3. 5 The Old Hag is a witch.
B. The Old Hag phenomenon can occur in both men and women.
1. Anyone can have sleep paralysis.
2. Age doesn’t matter.
3. Phenomenon has been documented since ancient times (Nees).
[Transition: 6 My experience with sleep paralysis]
II. 7 I first experienced sleep paralysis about a month ago.
A. Woke up to loud music blasting in my ears.
B. Woke up again that same night.
1. Had a hallucination.
2. Getting dragged out of bed.
[Transition: 3 What is sleep paralysis and why does it happen]
III. Sleep paralysis is caused during the REM stage of sleep.
8 REM is the rapid eye movement stage of sleep (Dauvilliers et al.).
9 REM is the last stage of sleep.
During REM your eyes try following the dreams actions (Dauvilliers et al.).
Neurotransmitters are released during REM (Dauvilliers et …show more content…

10 It is not a serious problem and is very common among people of all ages. It’s caused by a person walking up during their last stage of sleep, which is the REM stage, or also known as the rapid eye movement stage. When this happens, the person may be aware of everything happening but their body is still in sleep mode. Anyone who experiences sleep paralysis should not worry and actually try enjoying the experience.
11 Works Cited Dahlitz, M, and J.D Parkes. 12 "Sleep Paralysis." 6 The Lancet, 341.8842 (1993): 406-407.
Ness, R C. 4 "The Old Hag Phenomenon as Sleep Paralysis: A Biocultural Interpretation." Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 2.1 (1978): 15-39.
Dauvilliers, Yves, Poul Jennum, and Giuseppe Plazzi. 13 "Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder and Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Without Atonia in Narcolepsy." Sleep Medicine, 14.8 (2013): 775-781.
Gangdev, Prakash. 12 "Comments on Sleep Paralysis." 14 Transcultural Psychiatry, 43.4 (2006): 692-694.
Hinton, Devon, David Hufford, and Laurence Kirmayer. 12 "Culture and Sleep Paralysis." 14 Transcultural Psychiatry, 42.1 (2005):

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