
Sleep Fear Research Paper

Decent Essays

What is the truth behind sleep dread?
It's hard to sleep at night when there's so many thoughts going through your head although sleep dread is not a thought but a disorder in a terrified state. Have you ever struggled on falling asleep because of the nightmares that you might experience? Or because you might feel like you're going to die while you are sleeping ? Let me tell you that you're not the only one. You are not alone. Sleep dread is a sleep disorder that affects 40% of the population one time or another. People do not seek treatment for this disorder. They believe this is normal until it takes over your life. Another word for sleep dread is Insomnia. Insomnia is " A habitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep." Sleep dread is becoming …show more content…

One can be when a person is terrified to go to sleep because they have experienced many of the same dreams multiple times. That causes a sense of fear to the person and It causes the person to stay awake and not go to sleep. Another way sleep dread can occur if when a person does not go to sleep at all. The feeling of being scared you're going to Die or get killed in your dream is a horrible experience. Authors around the world have written books about this disorder. Since no one seeks medical help they can at least read information given about the disorder. The following book "What to do when you dread your bed" by Dawn Hueber is a book based on sleep dread disorder. The book states the following "Wouldn’t it be great if you could climb into bed. Snuggle under your covers, close your eyes, and fall asleep without any fuss or fear?" Then it tells you to draw yourself in bed and circle the reasons why you can't seem to fall asleep. Sleep dread can be a temporary disorder for some , but for others it has been happening their whole life. In the magazine Web MD " Scared to sleep" by Winnie Yu it informs us about a young woman named coulter. Coulter stated the following " It's an ongoing cycle of not getting the rest that I need, and it causes such anxiety for me" says Coulter, 38. " I have nights where I sit and stew without any sleep at all." This story informs us the impact that sleep dread has on coulter. It's sad to say that …show more content…

Only a few people get this disorder and those that do have his disorder it’s a horrible experience for them. As we read sleep dread comes from many different type of situations and the worse of them is chronic nightmares. Today we have similar situations with sleep dread such as the one back in 1981. As time goes by this disorder continues to

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