
Sleep Deprivation In America

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Thanks to numerous studies, surveys and countless hours of research, we know that America overall could use more sleep. Thankfully, Daylight Savings has come to an end we all can make good on collect 2 extra hours of snooze. According to the experts at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, there are serious consequences at every age that stems from sleep deprivation. Dr. Anessa Das, the assistant director of the Sleep Program and sleep specialist at the medical center, was able to further explain in the YouTube video posted above and in their press release. “We are a sleep-deprived society, and we often pay for that lack of sleep in ways we may not realize,” says Das. “Depending on your age, it can affect everything from your complexion to your weight to your heart, and can lead to some very serious medical issues.” For children, a lack of sleep leads to behavior problems. They become more hyperactive, irritable and have trouble staying focused and learning at school. Sleep loss also weakens their immune system, making them sick more often with more missed days of school. During those teenage years, children automatically face the challenge of not getting enough shut-eye thanks to school start times that aren’t in sync with their circadian rhythm, or natural body clock. Their bodies want to stay up late and push back wake up times. …show more content…

Too little sleep has been linked to obesity, heart disease, depression, hypertension and an earlier death. During this phase of our life, sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and insomnia, are also more likely to occur. For women, menopause causes night sweats, leading to insomnia due to the imbalance of hormones. And for men, their enlarged prostate causes more trips to the bathroom at night and those sleep disruptions do take their toll. Adults should also beware that certain medications can also disrupt

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