
Slavery in Latin America

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 Slavery in the Americas was quite diverse. Mining operations in the tropics experienced different needs and suffered different challenges than did plantations in more temperate areas of
Norther Brazil or costal city's serving as ports for the exporting of commodities produced on the backs of the enslaved peoples from the African continent. This essay will look at these different situations and explore the factors that determined the treatment of slaves, the consequences of that treatment, and the conditions that lead to resistance by the slaves working in their various capacities. After the initial conquest of Mexico and South America it was time to develop the economy and export the resources that would benefit the monarchy …show more content…

Thought they were able to have a social life as the whites really did not care what they did with their own time, they were the most likely to resist their conditions. This is done in a variety of ways which will be discussed later. There was a fairly healthy community life amongst plantation slaves. They spent time together, had cultural activities and because of the near equal ratio of men to women were able to marry and raise families. The slave population was fully 80-90% of the overall population in these regions as they did all the work and there were no towns in the area where whites and
Indians went for jobs. Cities were a third environment that utilized slaves. These slaves, however, tended to be made from the Criollo group. An exception was the slaves taken right off the ships by white artisans who taught them to be smiths and coopers and the like. These trades were then passed down to the slave children and to their children after them. Europeans immigrated to Latin
America in far fewer numbers than in the U.S. and as a result otherwise menial jobs held by white lower classes there were held by free blacks and slaves working toward manumission.
Where you might find an Irish maid on the Main Line in Philadelphia, you would find a black, or mulatto in Latin America. This helped in keeping the racial prejudice at bay in Latin America as it served no purpose to create the perception that blacks were an inferior race. City slaves enjoyed

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