
Slavery In The 19th Century Essay

Satisfactory Essays

When slavery is brought to mind, many negatives come to head like punishment and having no respect for people who are different. However, there were many positive outcomes that came from this for the economy and social system that assisted both whites and blacks. Some slaves, being the lightest in color and had the prettiest facial features,were put as domestic servants while many of the other slaves worked in the fields picking cotton as well as tobacco and other types of crops. The Southern region of the United States was more slave based while the Northern region was based mostly on industrialization. Profit increased steady in the beginning to the half of the nineteenth century because as the price of cash crops started to rise, the keeping and “caring” of slaves remained the same. Younger and more fit slaves for sold for working on the field, known for having …show more content…

For the social system in the nineteenth century, there were sections to the “social pyramid”, showing who was at the top and who was at the bottom. At the top were those who owned a hundred or more slaves. Below them were the less wealthy slave owners while around 90,000 families owned about less than ten slaves. The lives of the slave owners who owned around 10 had a lifestyle pretty similar to those as the northerners who were on small farms. On this social pyramid, the white non owning whites, beneath the slave owners. During the 1800’s these white non owning slave people were less wealthy while having a simple way of life. They also did not participate in market economy every often. Unlike most farmers back then, these lower class “rednecks” grew corn instead of cotton and raised livestock like hogs. The poor white trash were the less wealthy of the non slave owner community. These people were also known as “hillbillies, lintheads, and clay eaters.” At the bottom of the pyramid were the

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