
Slavery In Colonial America

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When thinking about the past and older times your brain will most likely jump to the colonial times and the era of the Civil War. During this time people were evolving and the world was becoming more advanced in technology and other areas. Nonetheless, all the good that happened during these times could not outcast the war and tragedy; and there was lots of it. The time period for this was around the 1600s to 1865. In that long stretch of period lots of events occurred that would forever alter the course of history and how our world is shaped today. Not many of these events were positive though. However, among all these events and the chaos in the world, there was one very “popular” debate that kept popping up no matter the time frame. This …show more content…

The United States Through Industrialism”. Now just by reading that one quote it is inferred that all people are created equal and therefore should be free. That is not the case at all as back in the 1619s, right around when the colonial times started to pop up, there was some of the first signs of slavery on the rise. This does not mean that there was not any signs before this, but the first major one occured in 1619. It happened when twenty black men were sold too English colonists who wanted them for labor. Ever since that point in time is when slavery really took off and not at all for the better. Twenty people grew into hundreds and then thousands and before anyone knew it almost everyone owned slaves. These people were not considered people at all though. To most the population they were considered property and had no value. These “standards” of these people in society did not live up to The Declarations claims at all. In wars African-Americans were considered “backup” if the Union did not want to put their people up or did not have enough and were simply used as pawns. Even with serving our nation when African-Americans were taken into the Union or volunteered they were lesser pay than white men. Slavery went on for ages and ages and people who were not being considered as the same value as someone else was one of the ways America was not free. If it was then all people would be free no one would have the right to own another human being and everyone would be considered equal. Since most of America was stuck in the mindset that, everyone had the same value was not evident at all, this caused years of suffering for those people and our

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