
Slavery In America Research Paper

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Douglas's childhood life showed us his impression of the 19th century America, thanks to invention of cotton gin, plantations in the South revived and large numbers of blacks were sold from Africa to plantations in the United States, these slaves brought significant benefits to the plantation owners, but no one can think of the subsequent historical impact.
Inefficient way Slavery is a low-efficiency system, without use cotton gin, a black slave can only collect one pound of cotton per day. Many people often say that black people living in the South live in pain and fear, their livelihoods are not guaranteed, and they will be beaten by slave owners, as Douglas mentions in the first chapter of his novel: "I have known him to cut and slash the women's heads so …show more content…

Campbell), that is equivalent to a three-year salary of workers in the North; it is not easy for most people to support large numbers of slaves.
So, do things like these novels mentioned, slave owners slaughtered slaves wantonly? Even today, those rich people will not arbitrarily destroy the property at home, do these novelists mean that the southerners were stupid hundred years ago? If slave owners over-consume slaves, they need to buy more slaves, that obviously only detrimental to themselves. Many northern media and books do not agree that slaves are well treated in the southern plantations, with several novels without any proof. In reality, slavery is a system that is inhumane to both slaveholders and slaves. The slave-owner gave the slave a better working environment than the northern factory, slaves do not need to work 14 hours to survive; the northern workers were exploited by capitalists, but they imagined themselves living in a free

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