
Sl 2 Thermometer

Decent Essays

The results of this lab helped determine which tools are best to measure different objects. In Station 1, a yellow metric ruler, an orange metric ruler, a wooden ruler, and a measuring tape was used. The tool with the highest degree certainty was the orange metric ruler. This is because the orange ruler had tick marks for each 10th(0.1). The tool with the lowest degree of certainty was the measuring tape because it kept moving and it was difficult to keep it straight. For Station 2, a wall clock, a digital stopwatch, and a timer was used. The tool that had the most accurate measurement was the digital stopwatch because it measured into the 10th(0.1) place automatically. The tool that was least accurate was the wall clock because …show more content…

The tool with the highest degree of certainty was the non-mercury thermometer because it didn't have to be calibrated and there were tick marks to make the measurement more accurate. The tool that had the smallest degree of certainty was the dial 2 thermometer because it very wide. This caused the measurement to be harder to make. In Station 4, a spring scale, an electric balance, an analytic balance, and a one pay balance was used. The most accurate tool was electric balance because no calculations or estimations needed to be made. The least accurate tool was the spring scale because the scale kept moving and block couldn't be measured without a basket carrying it, making the measurement inaccurate. In Station 5, a graduated cylinder, a beaker, and an Erlenmeyer flask was used. The tool that had the highest degree of certainty was the graduated cylinder because there were more ticks. This made the measurement more accurate because the water level was closer to the markings. The least accurate tool was the Erlenmeyer flask because the spaces between the markings were large so the whole number had to be guesstimated. In station 6, #1 was accurate because the X's exactly on the lines. #2 was precise because multiple X's were close to

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