
Skittles: The Super Bowl Commercial

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Super Bowl commercials are always the one of the best parts of the Super Bowl. They persuade you to do or by something. They do this in a way that everyone loves, being funny. The commercials usually get attention, by being so funny. For instance, the skittles and Kia commercial were hilarious. They brought attention while being interesting. Instead of being a boring infomercial. The Skittles commercial was one of my favorites. This commercial showed a kid throwing skittles at a girls window while calling for the girl saying, "please come out I want to talk to You" The skittles went right through the window, so instead of the girl answering her and her family ate the skittles. The family was in a line in the girls bedroom, and one by one each person got one skittle thrown in their mouth. …show more content…

This commercial starred Melissa McCarthy. This commercial was about a woman who gets called to volunteer for a bunch of things. The first thing she volunteers for is "Save the Whales". When she goes out on a boat to save the whales, a whale flips her boat and she smacks against a huge boat. The second thing she got called for was "Save the Trees". This scene she got up in a tree and the tree got cut down, then she fell down with the tree. When she was starting to doubt going to volunteer places she got another call asking if she would help save the Ice Caps, which are like glaciers. When she went to the ice cap, it split in half and she fell through. One of the funniest moments of that scene was when the hit her head on ice and said "ow" as she was falling. Now this lady was pretty much done with volunteering. She got another call to "save the Rhinos". She went ahead and went to save the Rhinos and got hooked on the Rhinos horn. This commercial persuades you to buy a car. It does this buy showing you haw much faster you can get places using this car. This also uses its humor to drag you

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