Types of Skin Cancer Skin cancer can manifest in a number of ways. The three main types are basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma. BCC and SCC are known as non-melanoma skin cancers, while melanoma is the deadliest of the three. Other, non-major and rare types of skin cancer include Merkel cell tumors and dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans.
Basal Cell Carcinoma Basal cell carcinoma is not only the most common of the three skin cancer types, but it is also the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States. It is the uncontrolled growth of the skin’s basal cells, lining the deepest layer of the epidermis. BCC is slow-growing and rarely metastasizes, however, treatment is important because of the damage
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Many of these treatment options are similar to that of BCC, including excision, Mohs surgery, radiation, curettage and electrodesiccation, and photodynamic therapy. Furthermore, laser treatment and chemotherapy cream can also be used to treat SCCs in their earliest stage. In the case that SCC spreads to the lymph nodes, lungs, and other parts of the body, it can be deadly. For this reason, early treatment is recommended, as most SCCs can be cured with good prognosis if diagnosed early.
Melanoma, the last major type of skin cancer, is the most deadly. As a highly metastatic form of cancer, melanoma can quickly spread to different parts of the body if undetected and allowed to grow. These type of tumors grow in the melanocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis and can grow on both sun-exposed and unexposed areas of the skin. It is crucial to find and diagnose melanoma early - if detected it can be treated and cured, but if gone undetected, it is incredibly
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After speaking to my parents, grandparents, and several other family members on both sides, I found that not one person in my family has been diagnosed with skin cancer in the past. Coming from a small town in Southern Italy, the majority of my family members share my olive skin and dark eyes. Throughout my life and growing up, I have never dealt with sunburns and nor have my family members. Through writing this research paper, my comprehensive knowledge about skin cancer has largely increased. In researching, I discovered the absolute importance of wearing sunscreen and covering the skin whenever possible - while I have always been aware that UV radiation is not healthy for the skin in large amounts, I had forgotten the importance of covering up. Furthermore, I learned more about each individual type of skin cancer, and was particularly shocked that all three types can be easily treated when detected early. There are few cancers that can be treated and cured effectively, even in early stages. As the most common form of cancer in the United States, it is important to be informed about skin cancer and to know how one can prevent it and how one can detect it in its early
Often times , most people do not think twice about the dangers of skin cancer . The leading cause of skin cancer is too much exposure to the sun. Skin cancer can be prevented , as well as treatable with the help of suns
Although there are several types of skin cancer, the most aggressive form is melanoma. This cancer of the skin involves mass replication of the pigment producing melanocyte cells, which are located in the epidermis, below the basal layer. There are several factors involved with the onset of melanoma including, exposure to ultraviolet rays, genetic predisposition, numerous nevi (moles), immunosuppression, and environmental exposure to carcinogens.
“Skin cancers are the most prevalent form of cancer in the Unites States An estimated 11,790 people die of skin cancer each year, 8700 from malignant melanoma” (Huether, McCance, 2012, p. 1058). Since melanoma is the most prevalent form of cancer, it is important to understand what causes it, what it does, who is at a higher risk, and possible treatment routes.
Skin Cancer is the abnormal division of skin cells which cause tumors in the body. There are 3 types of Skin Cancer: Melanoma, Basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma (Web Md, year). Skin cancer is caused by the exposure of ultraviolet radiation and UV-like factors (Skin Cancer Foundation, 2015). This paper focuses on a specific type of skin cancer called Melanoma.
as stated earlier in the essay, the incidence of people treated for skin cancer compared to the population means that two percent of the population will be treated or diagnosed every year however there is a group particularly affected by these statistics. According to the Cancer Council Australia (2014), non-melanoma skin cancer is more common in men than in women, this may be due to the fact that men may wear less when going out in the sun and will take risks more, possibly by not wearing protective clothing and sunscreen. As well as this fact it is also conveyed that the age group most affected by melanoma is ranged between 15-44 years old, this may be due to people from this age group especially teenagers and young adults tanning on
Skin cancer is a disease that can affect any one. Skin cancer includes many types that can be classified as severe or superficial. Consequently, treatement of skin cancer depends on the degree of severity a person has. In the following paper, we will shed lights on the types of skin cancer and its causes. Finally, we will investigate how to treat the different types of cancer and how to avoid it.
It is believed that the amount of exposure of the skin to the sun before the age of 20 is actually the determining risk factor for melanoma. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer and tends to only spread locally. Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common skin cancer, and it can spread to other parts of the body, although not as commonly as melanoma. The risk of getting basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma is determined by a person 's lifetime exposure to UV radiation and the person 's pigment protection.
Cutaneous melanoma (hereafter referred as melanoma) is a worldwide public health concern. In developed countries melanoma ranks as the sixth most frequently diagnosed cancer overall [1]. In the United States, melanoma is the fifth most common cancer in men and seventh most common cancer in women [2]. The incidence of melanoma, the most commonly fatal form of skin cancer, is increasing faster than any other potentially preventable cancer in the United States [3-4]. World wide epidemiological data shows similar increases over the past years, with a leveling off in other countries [5]. Some researchers attribute the increase in the incidence of melanoma to a more scrutinized detection program [6-7].
Have you ever wondered what the less common cancer that hits our skin is? This type of cancer is called Malignant Melanoma. According to the “American Cancer Society” “Malignant Melanoma are from moles that don’t make enough melanin and do make melanin from the skin (2015). From the “American Cancer Society “says that “UV Rays from the sunlight is another type that does cause Malignant Melanoma”(2015). “American Cancer Society” say that the Melanocytes are protected by the dermis, the deepest layer of the skin (2015). From the “American Cancer Society” “Estimates that over 76,830 about 46,870 men and 29,510 women will get diagnose and about 10,130 about 6,750 men and 29,510 women will die from melanoma (2015). Cancer Society statistics states that the most common to find the cancer in is white than African Americans and the average age is 63 and the common in the younger to find this type of cancer is 30 (American
There are three main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma. CM is the rarest kind, but is also in the most dangerous form, occurring 91.2% of all melanoma. The occurrence of CM has been increasing over the past few decades, affecting not just adults but also in children and adolescents, with average age in the seventh decade6. It is ethnicity-dependent, with highest chance in Caucasian population, but other groups can also be affected7. Men usually develop melanoma on the trunk, whereas women on the extremities, but more men are affected (46,870 men and 29,510 women), according to an estimation by The Skin Cancer Foundation in 20168. People who live in areas with more intense sun exposure can also have higher risk. Besides direct UV exposure, those who have personal or family history of skin cancer or any atypical nevi are also at higher risk.
Although there are many steps you can take to reduce your risk of getting skin cancer, the incidence rates have been steadily increasing for at least 30 years. (American Cancer Society, 2014) At Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, the Tisch Cancer Institute’s Melanoma and Skin Cancer Center provides quality care for patients with all stages and all types of skin cancer. The Tisch Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital practices many of the ethical
Not every sunburn will result in skin cancer, but it is something to be aware of. Because of this people with fair skin are much more susceptible to melanoma than people with darker skin. Skin cancer is something that people should take precautions against immediately, Cutaneous Melanoma is in the top ten of most common cancers in many countries including Canada. From the late 1980’s to early 2010 the average men with melanoma increased by a gapping 2%, and the average for women increased by 1.5%. Although the two are close in percentage this 0.5% difference did raise a few questions. The scientist on this study do believe that the reason for the lesser percentage for women has to do with hormones. Of 8,900 melanoma cases with 4,900 of the members being men, and the other 3,900 being women scientist found that older men were more vulnerable to the risk of skin cancers than women. The likelihood of skin cancers also depended on the location for men their main risk would be there cephalic, and cervical areas whereas women’s risk was more on their distal appendages, such as their calves and even their
The MC1R gene plays an important role in determining if a person has red hair, fair skin, and sensitivity to UV radiation, it also regulates the synthesis of melanin. MC1R is more common in Northern European countries posing a greater risk of skin cancer to those who have high exposure to ultraviolet rays. People who have olive and darker skin and who carry one or more variations of this gene have a higher than average risk for melanoma. The MC1R gene, which being whiter – ‘fair skinned’ is also associated with an increased susceptibility to melanoma.
According to the American Cancer Society, skin cancer is the most common cancer, accounting for about half of all cancers in the United States. More than 3 million cases of skin cancer will be diagnosed in the United States alone this year (Skin Cancer Foundation). Basal-cell carcinomas constitute approximately 90 percent of all non-melanoma skin cancers, making it the most common cancer in humans. Basal-cell carcinomas or BCCs are abnormal, uncontrolled growths or lesions that arise in the skin’s basal cells, which line the deepest layer of the epidermis. This type of cancer most often occurs in skin that is frequently exposed to sunlight or other ultraviolet radiation such as the face, ears, neck and limbs (Rubin et al.). As ultraviolet rays
Thesis: Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States but is highly curable if detected early and treated properly.