
Skepticism Critical Thinking

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consists of being able to delve into the abyss of knowledge, constrained by our imagination and resources. Curiosity involves asking questions; lots of them. The more you ask, the more you know. This leads to unanswered questions that need to be presented and thus leads to a better understanding of what you are questioning. Being curious allows you to keep looking for information that could lead to better results and a better understanding, or to a solution(s) that have not presented themselves. Skepticism: allows for the denial of face value and allows for substantiated facts. Skepticism consist of being able to prove your hypothesis is wrong. Which, by using humility, allows you to eliminate variables. In scientific methodology, we want to find inaccuracies to eliminate the possibilities of errors. This is one I believe I struggle with. We can all be a little gullible with the vast amounts of information available today, and I don’t feel I ask enough questions, on occasion. Humility: is being able to keep your emotional ties separate from the issue at hand; to allow for a precise outcome. It is being able to say: I’m not the only person involved, and give credit where it is due. We are in the search of the truth and truth comes if we are …show more content…

Curiosity allows for the exploration of new ideas and the curiosity of why something happens. With skepticism, you are questioning your results and your methods. Anything that could (potentially) falsify, thus validating (by reducing erroneous data), your work. Humility can be one of the most difficult pieces to achieve for some. When you are using critical thinking to confirm a study and you find a mistake you made; would you own it? That puts humility to the true test. Critical thinking, using the scientific attitude, involves removing bias, partiality, and prejudices with the aim of creating a true reflection of what you are

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