Bone Lit Review
- Skeletal bone is a dynamic tissue structure that constantly undergoes changes and remodeling throughout someone’s lifespan. Skeletal bones is a mechanical support for locomotion and protecting the organs. Muscle tendons and ligaments insert onto the bone. It is only present in vertebrates.
- Bone tissue is made up mainly of fibrous collagen connective tissue surrounded by a calcium phosphate-like mineral. It is hollow shaped structured that cannot swell or shrink. However, there are living cells and blood vessels imbued within the bone tissue.
- This paper will discuss the composition and cells of bone, different types and organization of bone, bone remodeling, bone development in children, and bone fractures
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Collagen makes up approximately 85%-90% of the body. It can be found in skin, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and teeth, in addition to bone. Collagen is made of small protein molecules known as troppocollagen molecules. the tropocollagen molecules consists of thee polypeptide connected by hydrogen bonds in a characteristic left handed triple helix form. The tropocollagen line up together to form microfibril collagen. Microfibril collagen are stabilized through interlocking cross …show more content…
They undergo a mineralization process to calcify the bone into a harden material. First, the matrix of the bone, a mixture of both collagen and water, plus other organic components are first laid down first. Osteoblast cells secrete type 1 collagen, glycoproteins, proteoglycans, membrane-enclosed vesicles with alkaline phosphatase and toehr associated enzymes as well as a product known as osteoid into the matrix. The osteoblast secretions bind with calcium with high affinity and enzymes hydrolyze phosphate ions from various macromolecules creating a high concentration of ions. The high ion concetrations causes calcium phosphate crystals to form and grow to mineralize further into a compound known as hydroxyapatite. Hydroxoapatie surround collagen fibers and merge into a solid bony
Bone- hard tissue consisting of a collagen framework that is filled in with minerals such as calcium
Type I collagen clearly contributes to the integrity and strength of bone matrix, and defects in its production leads to bone of poor quality, susceptible to fracture( Kini and Nandeesh 2012). Type I collagen is a triple helical structure consisting of two identical a1 chains and one a2 chain with a non-helical region where the N-telopeptide and C-telopeptide join to the crosslinks (Brown et al.,2009; Bergmann et al., 2009 ; Seibel 2005). During type I collagen synthesis, pro-peptides are released both from the N-terminal and C-terminal ends of the procollagen molecule, after the three individual alpha chains have created the triple helix, which will become part of the collagen fibril( Kini and Nandeesh
Bone tissues or osseous tissue- is a hard connective tissue that consist of living cells dispersed in an organic and mineral matrix, the organic portion of the matrix contain collagen fibers and other organic molecules. The mineral part contain contain tricalcium phosphate crystal call hydroxyapatite and calcium carbonate (478)
Bones is a living tissue that contain a blood vessel and nerves. It capable of moulding itself when it damaged.
Bones are made up of calcium and collagen, this combination make bones strong and flexible. Collagen is a protein found in animal connective tissues and it supplies a soft framework, while another mineral found in bones called, calcium phosphate, adds strength and hardens the frame work. Bones also have two layers called cortical and trabecular. Cortical is the strong, dense and tough part of the bone, while trabecular is lighter and less dense.
From the background provided on trabecular bone biology and tissue properties, the major highlights included: cell populations, mechanosensation, mechanotransduction, tissue composition, and tissue elastic properties. In the cellular matrix of trabecular bone, three main multicellular units, osteoclasts, osteoblasts and osteocytes, exist. Osteoclasts function in bone resorption as part of the bone remodeling process.
The Skeletal System function includes the skeleton and articulations (joints), provide support and protection for soft tissues and organs, aids in a movement, serves as a reservoir of calcium, and produces all blood cells. Bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons are the major structures within the skeletal system. With the connective tissue such as cartilage, ligaments, and tendons aid in protecting our joints and providing stability. Bones allow us to maintain our stature, they protect softer internal organs, and they let us move around. The basic components of all bone tissue are the same. Osteoblasts,
Bones are generally composed of 50-70% mineral, 20-40% collagen, 5-10% water, and less than 3% lipids. Hydroxylapatite containing small amounts of magnesium, acid phosphate, and carbonate are normally present in the mineral content of bones. Hydroxylapatite is composed of 38% calcium, 18% phosphorous, and trace amounts of sodium and magnesium (0.6%). The method utilized to determine the minerals in bone
The skeletal system is made up of cartilage and bone. Both bone and cartilage are connective tissues, that is, they are composed of cells in a matrix with intracellular fibers. Just imagine connective tissue as a gelatin salad with grapes and coconut. The grapes would represent cells, the gelatin the support material for matrix, and the pieces of coconut the intracellular fibers. By changing the amounts of each ingredient and adding extra substances, we can produce a material that is very hard like bone and can withstand weight or softer like cartilage which can be used as a cushioning material.
This is the muscle which covers the bones. Human body contains over 400 skeletal muscles. 40-50% of total body weight. It is soft muscle. Most are attached by tendons to bones. It is attached to skeleton by strong and directly connected to rough patches of bones. Muscles are striated and have visible banding. It works voluntary.
Bone remodeling requires discarding of mineralized bones by the osteoclasts followed by emergence of bone matrix from osteoblast that in due course becomes mineralized.
(Ca 10 [PO 4 ] 6 [OH]2 ) referred to as hydroxyapatite. The remaining third is dominated by collagen fibers, with osteocytes and proteoglycans contributing only around 2 percent.
First, we need to understand what a bone actually is. You can hear bone-dry on a daily basis but actually bones are actually quite alive with nerves , blood vessels etc. Without bones in our body we would just be a blob and unable to move anything in our body. A bone divides into three layers periosteum, haversian canals and bone marrow. The first layer is the periosteum layer, it covers the whole part of the bone minus areas where cartilage connects the bone to a joint. The second layer is known as the Haversian canal which transports nerves and blood vessels throughout the human body. The third layer is known as compact bone or spongy bone, spongy
Bones are not only thick and hard, they are also slightly elastic. Without elasticity they would break too easily. They are composed mainly of bone tissue or osseous tissue. The skeletal system is very dynamic as the bones are changing all the time, they remodel themselves depending on usage or functional demand therefore the structure and function of the skeletal system are
The skeletal system is made up of cartilage and bone. Both bone and cartilage are connective tissues, that is, they are composed of cells in a matrix with intracellular fibers. Just imagine connective tissue as a gelatin salad with grapes and coconut. The grapes would represent cells, the gelatin the support material for matrix, and the pieces of coconut the intracellular fibers. By changing the amounts of each ingredient and adding extra substances, we can produce a material that is very hard like bone and can withstand weight or softer like cartilage which can be used as a cushioning material. In this exercise, we will examine a fresh raw chicken bone to study bone