
Skeletal Bone Research Paper

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Bone Lit Review

- Skeletal bone is a dynamic tissue structure that constantly undergoes changes and remodeling throughout someone’s lifespan. Skeletal bones is a mechanical support for locomotion and protecting the organs. Muscle tendons and ligaments insert onto the bone. It is only present in vertebrates.
- Bone tissue is made up mainly of fibrous collagen connective tissue surrounded by a calcium phosphate-like mineral. It is hollow shaped structured that cannot swell or shrink. However, there are living cells and blood vessels imbued within the bone tissue.
- This paper will discuss the composition and cells of bone, different types and organization of bone, bone remodeling, bone development in children, and bone fractures …show more content…

Collagen makes up approximately 85%-90% of the body. It can be found in skin, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and teeth, in addition to bone. Collagen is made of small protein molecules known as troppocollagen molecules. the tropocollagen molecules consists of thee polypeptide connected by hydrogen bonds in a characteristic left handed triple helix form. The tropocollagen line up together to form microfibril collagen. Microfibril collagen are stabilized through interlocking cross …show more content…

They undergo a mineralization process to calcify the bone into a harden material. First, the matrix of the bone, a mixture of both collagen and water, plus other organic components are first laid down first. Osteoblast cells secrete type 1 collagen, glycoproteins, proteoglycans, membrane-enclosed vesicles with alkaline phosphatase and toehr associated enzymes as well as a product known as osteoid into the matrix. The osteoblast secretions bind with calcium with high affinity and enzymes hydrolyze phosphate ions from various macromolecules creating a high concentration of ions. The high ion concetrations causes calcium phosphate crystals to form and grow to mineralize further into a compound known as hydroxyapatite. Hydroxoapatie surround collagen fibers and merge into a solid bony

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