
Six Things You Should Know Straight Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Six Things You Should Know About Straight-A Students

1. We get marked as a “teacher’s pet”.
Just because I get straight A’s, other students, even my friends, mark me as a “teacher’s pet”. Being smart shouldn’t automatically make you a teacher’s pet. I don’t kiss up to my teachers and make sure I’m their favorite. I just pay attention in class and get good grades.

2. Others don’t think we have a social life or any life outside of school.
People think that we spend all our time at school, doing homework, or studying. When I tell people I run and play soccer, they don’t believe me because they think I’m always at home studying, doing homework, or trying to learn more. People are always surprised that I actually have a life outside of school. Nobody ever thinks that I might have other things to do and worry about other than school. …show more content…

People expect us to know everything and never get anything wrong.
When my friends and I are just hanging out and having fun and someone asks something like, “Why do we yawn?”, everybody looks at me for an answer when I don’t know. My friends just expect me to know everything. Just because I get straight A’s, it doesn’t mean I’m as smart as Albert Einstein.

4. When we get our report cards and our grades are all A’s, people tend to get jealous and upset.
I work hard to earn my good grades; they aren’t handed to me. Sometimes, their reactions bring me down. Most of the time I brush it off. I don’t want to boast and make them feel bad, but I’m also never ashamed of the grades I earn.

5. Close friends always ask us for answers on homework and they get mad when we try to help instead of giving straight answers.
Even though it seems easier and nicer to just give my friends the answers on their homework, I know that it isn’t right and it doesn’t help them learn anything. Sometimes I get disappointed that they ask me for answers in the first place.

6. People think we aren’t good at anything

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