
Six Core Social Work Values

Decent Essays

There are six core social work values that guide one through practice. Four of these values are identifiably present for consideration when working Anna and her family. The first value present is respect for inherent dignity and Worth of people. Promoting and advocating for self determination of the client. Ana seeks control and choice of her own body, this control supported by reasoning’s that could impact her future physical abilities. As social workers we need to consider Ana’s ability to make this consent in decision making due to being a child. By information gathering the decision was Ana could give consent with informed decisions that weighed possible consequences. This value would hold great weight by providing input to a final contribution by advocating for Ana’s right to her own voice and choices as she sees fit. The Second core value is …show more content…

One must balance individual needs, rights, and freedoms with a collective interest of serving humanity. Ana is asking for her individual’s needs, rights, and freedoms to be considered. As social workers we must also be aware of Kate’s, her families, and other society member’s needs, rights and freedoms. Using our skills and knowledge we would assist in managing value conflicts and consequences of those conflicts the family is facing. Multiple personal and family value conflicts are occurring in this family. Some conflicts are between ; Anna and Sara in the protection of Kate's life and what is considered the “Right” choice; conflict between Brian and Sara with a duty to support a spouse over the duty to support children choices and best interests; Anna and Kate’s values of Ana proceeding or cancelling court proceedings for best interest of family; hidden conflict between Kate and Sara as Kate values honesty yet cannot inform her mother she wants to die rather than continue with medical procedures which is in conflict of what Sara feels is

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