
Situational Leadership Theory, Transformational, And Transactional Theory

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There are a few leadership theories, but for this research I will only on four of these. The theories that will be discussed are Situational leadership theory, Contingency theory, Transformational, and Transactional theory. The theory Transformational is pondered by several to be the theory improvement for transactional leadership theory, and it appears to have a cumulative number of research studies that are supporting the benefits of this theory. So, I will also compare and discuss the contrast of the four different theories, and like a few examples. In an ever changing organization, there are many who suggest that maybe transactional and transformational theories are the optimal theory for the public service field. It will …show more content…

3), and must have a task in mind with a clear procedures and goals, and the skill for rewarding and punishments when needed. If these are not in the right combination and context in any way will result in failure for the leader. This theories in general state in order to be effectiveness will depend upon the nature of the task, situation, leader 's personality, make-up of the group being led, and factors.
Transformational theory
To use Transformational leadership theory we need to understand what it is. Transformational leadership theory is the process that transforms and changes people. In other words, this theory gives the leadership the ability to get his followers improve, and feel empowered to change, and to be led. The theory involves evaluating the associates ' motives, filling their needs, and appreciating them. So, a leader using the transformational theory could make their company more triumphant just by appreciating there associates.
Transformational leadership theory “may be found at all levels of the organization: teams, departments, divisions, and organization as a whole” (“Transformational Leadership Theory”, n.d., para. 2). These leaders are daring, visionary, risk-takers, thoughtful thinkers, inspiring, and have a charismatic appeal. But magnetism alone is inadequate for altering the way an organization functions. Therefore, they cannot bring major changes, unless they have the four I’s factors, which

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