
Single-Issue Voters Research Paper

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Single-issue voters As the US election approaches, more and more people are paying attention to politics and social issues. Some Americans are using Facebook or Instagram to appeal to people to support one of the political parties or candidates. Not only Americans, but also people all around the world are looking at this election. However, people cannot deny that there are some problems that are hidden in this seemingly perfect American political system. For example, “the single-issue voter, which means someone who feels so passionate about a single subject that they are willing to cast their presidential vote based on a candidate’s stand on this one issue alone (Jonathan Haber).” Voting based solely on one issue, which could lead to the election …show more content…

First, some people voting based on the single issue, this problem exists in American society. There are several possible reasons that can explain why it exist. However, the most crucial one is some people tend to be attracted to one specific issue easily while ignoring other issues, which are equally significant. Sometimes, because of the occurrence of some tragic events, people’s emotion tends to be polarized. It is hard to let people keep ration and calm at a special time. For instance, the mass-shootings problem. As we all know, plenty of shootings happened in the US every year. This quantity is more than many other countries. The largest one so far was happened on June 12th, 2016, at a nightclub, Orlando, Florida. 49 people were killed and a bunch of people were injured (Willingham), which is an extremely painful event in American history. People were indignant and started to refocus on gun-problem. As people know, American 2nd amendment was adopted on December 15, 1791. It claims that: “A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” (Amendments to the United States Constitution) It

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