
Simone De Beauvoir And Patricia Hill Collins Feminist Perspective On Women's Traditional Roles?

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Simone De Beauvoir and Patricia Hill Collins Feminist Perspective on Women’s traditional Roles Selene Sandoval Sociology of Theory December 1, 2017 All throughout history women of all race have been portrayed as creatures whose opinions, feelings, and goals never mattered in this androcentric world. Although women have moved up in the equality ladder to some extended, women still have a longs ways to go when it comes down to real equal rights. So what is equal right to be exact? Well in a feminist perspective equal rights means both men and women have equal access within the workplace, freedom from oppressive gender stereotyping. Many might say that women have equal rights, given the fact that after the …show more content…

In the chapter titled “History” within the book called The Second Sex, Beauvoir talks about various of events and changes along with encounters that provided opportunities to seize greater freedom for women as a collectivity. For instance, when women were able to leave their homes and actually take an outside job, it allowed women a bit confused as to what roles she needed to partake in. Given that men were always gender-policing women to fit the ideal role, the women found it difficult to transitions and thus loose a sense of self along the way. De Beauvoir also states that gainful employment can stop the cycle of dependency on man and thus allow the two genders men and women to see each other’s as equals. It is within the book The Second Sex that De Beauvoir tries to understand the imbalance of gender roles to help her understand this she turns to the biology, psychoanalyst and the historical materialism. In her findings, she reveals that although there are some physical differences between women and men there is no proven facts that women cant do the same task as men in a workforce. According to Patricia Hill Collins, women’s

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