
Simon Bolivar

Decent Essays

Herbert Maduro
Columbia Southern University

Herbert Maduro
Columbia Southern University

Simon Bolivar has been considered by many historians as the liberator of the Americas, he lead an army that liberated Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia from the Spanish rule. Bolivar dreamed in having these countries unified as one big country called “The Gran Colombia”. These countries would have shared a centralized government and would have had the city of Bogota as its capital.
In this article I want to explore the reasons why he could not achieve this dream of unifying these countries and if he had what economic and social …show more content…

With magnanimous sincerity, San Martin offered to place himself and his soldiers under Bolivar's command if he would send the full Colombian army to drive the Spanish out of Peru. Unfortunately for the patriot cause, Bolivar apparently regarded San Martin as a rival and an antagonist rather than as a comrade-in-arms, an obstacle to be removed before his own fame and glory were compromised by sharing them with another. Bolivar refused the incredibly selfless offer, saying that his "delicacy would not allow him to command San Martin," and that "the Colombian Congress would not permit him to leave Colombia to pursue the war in Peru." San Martin also indicated in an interview that he “San Martin, a keen reader of men, immediately perceived the arrogance and raw ambition that lay behind the mask of courtly civility and empty excuses. Years later, in 1840, while living in voluntary exile in France, the general confided his candid assessment of Bolivar's character to a visitor, Captain Lafond de Lurcy of the French navy:
At first sight his personal appearance prejudiced me against him. He appeared to have much pride, which was in contrast to his habit of never looking in the face of the person he was addressing unless the latter was

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