
Similarities Between The Tang And Song Dynasty

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• The historical importance of the term movable type is that it is a printer that can arrange blocks of individual characters in a frame to make up a page for printing. This was one of the advancements in the Tang and Song Dynasty. Advancement is gunpowder. Gunpowder leads to the creation of weapons. The Tang’s agriculture also helps them succeed because the new fast-ripening rice from Vietnam can feed the whole population. Also, they promoted trade by guarding the Silk Roads, relining on ocean trade. Buddhism spread and the Chinese were exposed to Christianity. Also, the Tang period produced great poets like Li Bo and Tu. During the Song Dynasty, artists were influenced by Daoism and emphasized the beauty of natural landscapes, used black ink.
• The historical significance of the word Wu Zhao is that she …show more content…

They kept the Chinese from high government offices. In addition to that, they restored the Grand Canal and encouraged foreign merchants to visit China. The Yuan Dynasty collapsed because there were rebellions, famine, flood, disease, economic problems, and government corruption.
• The historical significance of the phrase Marco Polo is that he was a European that traveled to China so he can visit various Chinese cities on government missions for Kublai Khan. During a war, he was captured and imprisoned.
• The historical significance of the phrase Shinto is that it is a type of religion that was based on respect for the forces of nature and on the worship of ancestors. Also, worshippers believed in kami which are divine spirits that lived in nature. Shinto religion was also influenced by the Koreans because they introduced Buddhism to them. Some Buddhist rituals became Shinto rituals. This made the Japanese take an interest in the Chinese writing system, art, and the Chinese styles of simple arts of everyday life.
• The historical importance of the term samurai is a bodyguard of loyal warriors that surrounded local

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