
Similarities Between The Kite Runner And Catcher In The Rye

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The novels “The Kite Runner” and “The Catcher in the Rye” follow characters who are absorbed in their own faults and shortcomings which they continuously try to correct. However, in their efforts to right their wrongs they become paralyzed. They focus so intensely on fixing their own issues that they become obsessed and controlled by them. Watching these characters continuously trap themselves in the faults of their past creates ugliness throughout both works. The mental break down of Holden and Amir constitutes ugliness within the texts, as both characters are chipped away by the ghosts of their pasts, they frantically attempt to prevent themselves from falling apart, this causes them to develop selfish natures as they fight continuously to …show more content…

An internal conflict with power develops when one’s emotions begin to control their actions. After having a nightmare, Amir describes the actions of a monster in his dream: “It had grabbed Hassan by the ankles, dragged him to the murky bottom. I was that monster” (Hosseini 86).Hassan acts as the ghost of Amir’s past, the cause of his guilt. Amir’s dream alludes to how he allowed the rape of Hassan, his childhood friend, to take place. However, in this case Amir himself is the aggressor. Hosseini uses the first person saying “I was” in order to highlight how Amir not only takes on responsibility but he takes on the guilt from Hassan’s rape. The author’s use of connotation through the words “grabbed” and “dragged” is not only dark, but violent. This reveals that Amir as one who likes to be a victim, he over exaggerates his role in hurting Hassan, revealing how he feels he is a victim to his guilt. As Amir is consumed by his guilt, he begins to develop animosity for Hassan. Considering that it is what he allowed to be done to Hassan that causes him guilt, Hassan and his guilt are directly related, Hassan is the cause of his guilt and is antagonized by Amir as a

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