
Similarities Between The Government Of The Roman And Middle Ages

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The Roman and Middle Ages had many things different from each other. The people have changed very much from the 2 eras. But, there are also similarities in between the two.

The government of the Roman and Medieval world was very different from each other. In the Roman government, the patron system was used commonly. This means people were selected for government because their friends were in authority. Due to this system, people worked to make friends. They believed that there would be more stability in the community when people were linked. In the Medieval government, the Feudal system was used. With the system, everyone but the king had a ruling lord above him/her. They would give him loyalty and service in order for land and protection. Peasants in the Middle Ages formed small communities around a lord for defense and safety. Manors were where most people lived. They were made of a castle, village, farmland, and church. …show more content…

In the Roman world, children learned at home. They were taught farming, war training, and more. In the later years, The Greeks influenced the Romans and wealthy families had Greek tutors. They learned about math, astronomy, music, literature, and reasoning. Schools for the wealthy were created later. In the Medieval world, wealthy boys learned to write and read Latin by monks. Latin was important because the Bible and church services used it. Schools taught students the 7 liberal arts: Latin grammar, logic, math, rhetoric, astronomy, and music. Girls didn’t learn to read or write. Poor children worked in the fields and cared for the home. They learned to survive in

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