
Similarities Between The Duchess Of Malfi And The Castle Of Otranto

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Can you chose who you love? Many people did not have the option to fall in love naturally during the medieval times and were forced into arranged marriages. Women were treated like objects and were forced to marry for a variety of different reasons. The social standards of that time expected people to marry in their social class and many times women would marry to make bonds between different areas. It was difficult to rebel against those ideals but there were a few brave enough to do so. An example of this is shown in The Duchess of Malfi and The Castle of Otranto. These books are different since the Duchess gets to choose her love, while Manfred chases his love, they are also similar as they both show how women were treated at that time and how love is portrayed.
Consider the fact that arranged marriages were popular in the past but not always desired. Marriage to them was a union between a man and a woman which should be chosen by the family not the …show more content…

Matildas love for Theodore will never happen since she is unable to get approval from her parents to be with him, she is instead betrothed to Frederic, Isabella's father. Isabella ends up marrying Theodore after matilda's death since she is the only one who can truly understand his sorrow. Matilda's love ultimately led to her death. Manfred believes that his love, Isabella, is meeting with Theodore to have a secret love interaction at the church. Manfred is angered by this and takes a knife to the church, preparing to end their love. In reality it is his daughter Matilda who is meeting Theodore. Manfred does not know this and accidentally kills his own daughter. This is devastating to not only him but the whole town. Her death however led to the reveal of the true prince of Otranto, which happens to be Theodore. With Matilda dead, Manfred grieves and needs time to repent. Therefore, he resigns from the throne and turns to religion along with

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