
Similarities Between The Declaration Of The Rights Of Man And Citizen

Decent Essays

The Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen were both written to ensure the rights of the people. Before these documents were written, people were opposed to certain aspects of their government. For example, the British were too controlling of American citizens and were also unrightfully taxing American goods. This made the American colonists very unhappy. The anger of these people led to many protests and revolts against the British. Sooner or later, the founding fathers decided to send a declaration to the King of Britain, King George III, declaring their freedom and independence. This document is what led to the American Revolutionary War/American Revolution. In France, the people were treated very …show more content…

Lafayette took several of Jefferson’s suggestions during the making of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. Because they collaborated during the making of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, both of the documents are close in similarities. The two declarations both set out to accomplish two very different goals, but they both overlap with some of the same ideas and concepts. Both documents were based around Enlightenment ideas. America and France alike shared ideas from John Locke. John Locke stated that people have the natural right to life, liberty, and property. If the government doesn’t give the people these things, the people have the right to rebel. Both of these documents outline the conditions that must be met by the leaders of the nations and both of the documents specify exactly what the people want. Last but definitely not least, both of these documents secured liberty for their …show more content…

America’s declaration was to state their independence from Britain whereas France’s declaration was to completely change their government. For example, France no longer wanted a monarchy, plus they wanted to fix the large social gap between the First and Third Estate. America wanted their independence from Britain mainly because of taxation without representation. In the Declaration of Independence, facts are stated about the British King’s tyranny. The document says, “The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object of establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these states. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.” The document then lists twenty-seven facts proving this statement to be true. The French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen does not list facts such as the American document does. It lists the actual rights and laws of man and citizen, like the title suggests. There are seventeen rights listed in the French document. Another difference between the two declarations is how the document was approved. The Declaration of Independence was signed at the end by fifty-six men. This is how most petitions are signed in today’s world- by gaining signatures. The French Declaration, however, was not signed. The Declaration of the

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