
Similarities Between The Cuban Revolution And Marxism

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One can determine if something or somebody was successful according to the goals that they want to achieve. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, success is a favorable or desired outcome. I would say that success in this case is when a country achieves a common standard, whether economically, socially or by the way they identify themselves culturally.
The Cuban Revolution
One of the ideologies that influenced Latin American nationalist was the Marxist perspective as they wanted to pull apart the neocolonialism. Some of the views that seemed applicable to Latin America included the “view of capitalism, highlighting class exploitation” and the Leninist “theory of imperialism” suggesting that a privilege in the dominated country would …show more content…

A rapid growth of the population and urbanization caused considerable shortages of the most basic necessities. What would be a solution to those problems? A revolution!
Marxists wanted to tear down the powerful that had relished their privileges at the expense of the poor, and redistribute the wealth among all the citizens. Social revolutionaries did not think twice and confiscated fortunes that were built on slavery and the indebted peons.
The main participants in the Cuban revolution were Ernesto “Che” Guevara, who thought that Latin America’s poverty was caused by an “imperialist international economic system” of power. Che believed that all countries were affected by the imperial systems and the only way to free them was to act together.
Che traveled to Guatemala to participate in the reforms that were occurring there but he had to scape to Mexico where he met Fidel and Raul Castro (Chasteen, 270).
Fidel and his brother Raul were exiled to Mexico because they were resisting Fulgencio Batista’s dictatorship that was backed up by the United States. While Che considered himself a “soldier of America”, Castro was a nationalist wrapped up in Cuba’s political traditions and

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