
Similarities Between The Bible And The Mandrake

Decent Essays

The last piece of work that was very interesting is the“The Mandrake” It is a comedy love story which happens over a twenty-four-hour time frame. In the story the protagonist is named Callimaco, who is swooning over Lucrezia. He had the utmost desire to sleep with Lucrezia but she is the wife of an elderly prominent gentlemen named Nicia. In the story, Nicia is desriring for Lucrezia to have a son for him. But Nicia is unable to produce any with Lucrezia. Callimaco conspires with a devilish marriage broker that is a local priest named Liquirio who masquerades around like a doctor. Liquirio and Callimaco are working on a devious plan to drug Lucrezio with a plant named Mandrake, claiming it would increase her fertility. Nicia has also stated …show more content…

Since Machiavelli is thought to be an atheist is is interesting he used the same root used in the Bible for fertility. Both stories are somewhat alike as a woman desires a child but is unable to have one and they use the Mandrake root to increase fertility. In Genesis 30:14; “During wheat harvest, Reuben went out into the fields and found some mandrake plants, which he brought to his mother Leah. Rachel said to Leah, please give me some of your son's mandrakes." Another reference is also in the book of Genesis where it is revealed that Rachel and Leah both believed that mandrakes bolstered conception. Both Leah and Rachel wanted to conceive children but Leah thought if she had additional children she would win the regard and affection of Jacob. (3) Rachel only wanted to bare children to validate herself as a real woman. As a result, Rachel was so determined to have children that she was inclined to have Jacob spend a night with Leah to gain possession of the mandrakes. Never are we told whether Jacob had himself believed that the mandrakes actually promoted fertility; however, at this time Jacob spent many of his nights with Rachel knowing how bad she wanted to have children. In earlier chapters of the book of Genesis, the Bible recorded that Rachel told Jacob, “Give me children, or I’ll die …show more content…

Machiavelli used the phrase to demonstrate to the noblemen that they should either be great allies to their countries or destroy them. To do this action one had to know what countries or states were important and dominant or who would become friend or foe of the state. It would appear that Tupac might have felt the same way from his lyrics showing his fellow gangsters and rap friends how that he cuddled through the political side of his thug life. Tupac also made connections with middle class and upper class young people in our society and exposed them to the fragment of America culture that needed to be repaired. It appears Tupac’s political beliefs and philosophy were in tune with our society’s youth as he was top selling rap artist which resulted in his reaching the number six and seven positions of all-time best-selling rap

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