
Similarities Between The Articles Of Confederation And The Constitution

Decent Essays

The articles of confederation and the constitution have many things in common yet if one doesn't come to the agreement the other one can’t proceed to make a decision. There is where the conflict starts because if one of the decision is not what the other wants there is a cause of dilemma. As an example, voting in congress. In the articles of confederation there is only one vote per state vs in the constitution it is one vote per representative, or senator. The similarities between these founding documents is that none of these two documents have control over the value of money. Central government not the states have the power of the value of money. One state cannot enter war itself. No matter what the situation is the state does not have control over itself. There has to be an agreement according the situation. The states have to observe and follow the document. Every single state has to know what the document states and make sure to do so as it follows. …show more content…

In the other hand the Constitution does not. Not only that but in the Articles of confederation it says, no amendments can be made unless all states agree. The constitution with just three fourths that agree is more than enough. The Articles of Confederation gives power to only one Congress. The Articles of Confederation is unicameral only one house called Congress. The US Constitution has only one Congress, but it has two sub-divisions. The US Constitution is bicameral, “two houses” called Congress and it is divided into the House of Representatives and The Senate. In legislature, which is in charge of making laws these two documents have to make their decisions thru their houses. These two documents where established by the same people and were the official government of the United

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