
Similarities Between Snowball And Napoleon In Animal Farm

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In Animal Farm the author will demonstrate how the animals and humans rebel against one another in a revolution that will determine the animal’s faith within freedom. Snowball and Napoleon are two significant characters in Animal Farm; while Snowball is a deliberate thinker, Napoleon is a self-centered, manipulative character, despite the differences, both, however, shared similarities such as being well educated overall.
In the story Napoleon is the Berkshire Boar that is portrayed as a self-centered, demanding, and manipulative character. Napoleon himself had a reputation for getting his own way by intimidating the other animals and by consolidating his power. Napoleon gains power by using a strategy of raising and training dogs to use as a threat among the other animals. Napoleon was always considered more equal than the other animals due to the power he had gained. Throughout the story Napoleon fought along with Snowball to free the farm from human authority, yet struck against Snowball to make sure he …show more content…

In the story readers may look at Snowball as the good pig, when he showed loyalty in The Battle of Cowshed. "I do not believe that," he said. "Snowball fought bravely at the Battle of the Cowshed. I saw him myself. Did we not give him 'Animal Hero, first Class,' immediately afterwards?" (120 Orwell). Yet, was secretly working for the former owner of Manor Farm, Mr. Jones. The impression that this thinker has made upon the other animals was he was a traitor due to betraying his ‘comrades’ The animals would be blind to the things that Snowball did base on how he was portrayed and show no interest working with the enemy. Snowball was one of the intelligent animals throughout the novel so had a better advantage then the others. Snowball was one of the pigs that helped create the rules within the seven commandments since he was

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