
Similarities Between Selma And Malcolm X

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“Selma” vs “Malcolm X”
What is the freedom and what is its price? We put in that word a variety of meanings and it depends on not only from the particular single individual but also from whole society and from the historical era in which we live. Two historical films, "Selma"(1994) directed by Ava DuVernay and "Malcolm X" (1992) directed by Spike Lee, which tells about two Afro-American activists and their battles for black people civil rights in the US during the 1960s. The movies “Selma” and “Malcolm X” express the idea of elimination the segregation between black and white using the equalization of civil rights and this theme is conveyed in both films through main protagonists, religion and crowd scenes.
Very interesting is to look at the film's protagonists' characters and how they reached their goals. Despite the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X had the goal to eliminate the segregation, both activists used different methods: the nonviolent struggle of Martin Luther King and radical speeches of Malcolm X. King appears as an educated and decent political leader who tells speeches about peace, freedom, and democracy. He said on the historic march in …show more content…

Despite mass arrests and pressure, black people have not stopped to assert their rights. The moment on the bridge in the "Selma" vividly conveys at the same time fear, power and inability to tolerate the oppression of white people. As well as the time in the middle of the movie "Malcolm X" next to the hospital where Malcolm X had heard that their friend, a man from the Muslim community will alive Malcolm gives a signal to the Muslim community members and they silently out from the crowd and after that, the crowd spread out. The crowd scenes create a strong sense of the correctness of action and a sense of unity of the people that have one

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