
Similarities Between Nineteen Eighty-1984 And One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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Mechanism of Control
Even though Nineteen Eighty-four and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest differ in their dystopian society, the two novels carry out their rules in a similar fashion. In the novel Nineteen Eighty-four by George Orwell a dystopian society controlled by a totalitarian regime called the Big Brother monitors every aspect of the citizens which reside in Oceania. Below Big Brother are the inner party who limits the freedom of speech, communication, personal belief and individuality and controls thought, action and speech in various ways.
Newspeak is a language the inner party implement by means of controlling the citizens to prevent them from obtaining individual thought. Newspeak are words and sentences that are being shortened and some are excluded and so limits the scope of thinking. As Syme states …show more content…

Similar to Nineteen Eighty-four, the psychiatric ward is controlled by Nurse Ratched and her staff members. Throughout the novel, the combine;” a machine culture which harvest and packages men…and Big Nurse, its powerful agent” (Sherwood 100) does everything in their power to construct “ a world of precision, efficiency, and tidiness”( Sherwood 39). The head administrative Nurse Ratched a former army veteran is portrayed as a sexually repressed woman who regulates people in the ward , such as the inmates, the black boys and the rest with an iron fist and an iron glove and is the human manifestation of the combine. From the society`s standpoint, Nurse Ratched or Big Nurse is doing her job in a properly, orginazing way through her actions;However inside the mental institution she`s different. Knowing fully of the power that she acquires over the patients and the nurses she has no hesitation of using it to maintain her powers and achieve her

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